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Master Trading Challenges with Synthex AI Solutions

Achieve rapid trade execution, precision, and time saving prop trading success in under 60 minutes.

5.000 funded traders
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Unlock the power of AI-driven trading

Start trading easily with Synthex AI's clear guidance and automation - Synthex AI handles the rest for you.

Easy to use

Connect Synthex with MetaTrader4

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Synthex AI does the rest

Achieve a 10% milestone in minutes

90% of traders fail the Prop-Firm Challenge

We know how hard it is to pass Prop Firm Challenges on your own and how frustrating it is to fail an attempt. Whether it's the time limit, the drawdown limit, or the profit target, Synthex AI has created a solution to successfully manage all these targets and get you funded today.


traders fail their Prop firm challange every hour. Synthex AI offers a reliable solution to navigate these challenges, helping traders manage strict criteria and significantly improving their chances of securing the funding they need.

See our customers
Synthex has created a solution

to successfully manage all these targets with high accuracy and proper risk management.



Say goodbye to challenge frustrations. Experience a rapid performance surge, propelling you swiftly towards success in a shorter timeframe than you thought possible. Your trading performance will skyrocket shortly after implementation, revolutionizing your journey to success.


Effortlessly set up using our detailed step-by-step tutorial.


Our outstanding support is here to help you with any question.

Passing prop firm challenges has never been easier

The SynthexAI Trading Bot’s combination of high-speed execution, sophisticated algorithms, dynamic strategy adjustment, and rigorous risk management makes it an ideal tool for passing prop trading challenges with high success rates and minimal risk of significant drawdowns.

Say goodbye to challenge frustrations. Experience a rapid performance
surge, propelling you swiftly towards success in a shorter timeframe
than you thought possible.
Effortlessly set up using our detailed step-by-step tutorial.

Get started with Synthex.

Unlock exclusive savings with our limited-time public launch deal. Don't miss out on this special offer.

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